Tuesday, December 6, 2011


On Friday, November 25th, I spent the night at a friend's house!  We've become really good friends over the past month or so and she is such a great sister in Christ.  We stayed up until 4:40 in the morning to be exact!  We spent about four of those hours of being awake, just by talking!  Even though we have been good friends for about a month, we already know so much about each other.  We actually know some of the bigger and more serious things about each other!  The only small thing I know about her is that she is left handed like me which makes her even more awesome than what she was to begin with! jk!  But small things are important as well but we just jumped to the more serious things in our life.  We can pretty much tell each other anything and we just encourage one another, pray for each other, and listen and understand each other!  I know that I can open up to her and tell her how I'm feeling, even if I look scary because I've been bawling my eyes out!  believe it or not, but that has actually happened often here lately!!  I have other friend's like this but there is just something about her that I just love to talk to her!  She has really been a great support and has stood beside me on this journey I am currently on!!  She is such a blessing and I thank God for allowing us to be such great friends!!!! :)

you are truely a blessing in my life! thank you for just being you! :) I had a smile on my face the whole time I was writing this because I am so thankful for our friendship, and I love how we have so much in common, and the fact that you are just simply awesome!! :)

--love, Lizard Breath! (:

1 comment:

  1. LIZARD!!!YOU ARE SO FREAKING AWESOME!! I loved staying up until 4:30 in the morning with you. That night was so much fun! I'm so blessed to have you as a friend and sister in Christ. I love how I can talk to you about anything no matter what it is. Thank you for being there for me these past couple of weeks, I've really needed it.

