Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter break

Our Spring break, well we'll just call a Easter break, has been pretty awesome.

Friday, I think, was when we colored our eggs. So here is a few pictures from that. :)

the family eggs.

These were one of the carton of eggs. :) so colorful.

The family. :)

we are soo stinkin' cute. :)

I love this picture of us. :D

These were taken this morning. :)

we all got new sunglasses so of course, we're rockin' em.

well of course we have to have a silly picture. :)

she is such a doll. :)

I love this picture of us. :)

too cute.

Gracie took this picture. hahaha

The pictures below took place during lunch time this afternoon after we got home from church.

we decided to spit corn out at each other ;)

corn was flying through the air as this picture was being taken.
(P.s. Annie, your eyes look soo pretty here)

yeah buddy! ;) we do not know how to act like ladies. ;)
we're getting there. slowly but surely.


So, my friend and I, wore similar skirts today.  She made them both. :) and it was totally unplanned.  We're just awesome like that. :)


The sermon today at church was amazing.  Nothing can compare to what Jesus did for us on that cross.  It is so humbling.

I pray you all have had a great weekend with friends and family and I pray you all have realized the real meaning of what Easter is all about.


~Elizabeth Marie


  1. You and Molly both wore your skirts on the same day again?? Wow! Oh and by the way, I wore a skirt yesterday too XD


  2. we did!! It was awesome! :) YOU wore a skirt?? I have never seen you in a skirt before! haha
