Monday, May 7, 2012


So today I got my ACT results and I was NOT happy!!  Mama Nicci made me feel better, but I wish I would have done better.  I hope my PSAE scores are much better and if they're not, then something is wrong with me because that was a really easy test! haha.

I had a butt load of homework tonight.  I had to do my Algebra 2, which we're doing matrices which is so fun, but time consuming!  I also had to start on my History packet, which is pretty much done and it's not due until wednesday!  I also have a English project that is due Wednesday and a power point for Government due on Wednesday.  What's up with everything due on wednesday??  Have I mentioned how I am sick and tired of school?  I just want this year to be over with already!  It shouldn't be only Monday, it should be Friday or at least Thursday!

So back to the whole ACT score thing, I think I'm going to have to work my butt off my Senior year to get a good GPA.  Since I never did well in school until this year, my GPA is a little low.  My GPA for this year is alright though.  I made high honors first semester and I think I might even go and take finals in a lot of my classes if they are anything lower than an A.  I don't care if I have a B+ or an A-, I'm still probably going to take the final to get it even higher.  I really have to make this year and next year count and make up for my stupidity from the previous years! (Just some advice: ALWAYS do your homework.  It will work wonders for your grades!  Trust me, I know!)  I really have made a huge improvement in a years time and I am really proud of myself and I wouldn't be where I am at without God and my church family, but I wish I would have learned sooner.  Obviously I didn't and I can't go back and change that so I have to really try harder and this is the consequences to those actions.

I decided that I didn't want to be like the rest of my family, and I actually want to get somewhere in life, but it's not going to be easy getting there!  Actually, I don't even know what I want to do with my life.  Here I am, almost a senior in high school, and I have no idea what I want to do with that my life or what college I want to even attend.  I just want to graduate, get married, have children, and be a stay at home wife and mom.  Sounds nice, right?  Unfortunately, things don't always work out that way.  It could happen, but then again, we never know!  I know God has a plan for my life, but I don't know all of the details of that yet and I'm getting to where I'm growing a little, or maybe a lot, impatient!

I do know that no matter what I will go to college! (I have no choice! XD)  I think I may do early childhood education just as a back-up plan.  What I want to do is get married, have children and then homeschool my children!  (If you have anything negative to say about the homeschooling, I don't even want to hear it!  I have heard it enough today!! and yes I am slightly grouchy! :) )
--Actually, one of my teachers was just informing me that I may want a back-up plan because I never know what is going to happen.  At first I thought she was trying to tell me that my children would end up dumb or something if I homeschooled them!  Way to boost my confidence!  She actually was only worried about their social skills and what I would do if something were to happen.  (She's one of my favorite teachers and sometimes she gives me motherly advice!)

--My other teacher on the ohter hand, was not so nice and he really made me mad and I wanted to yell at him and tell him what an idiot he was and how maybe it wouldn't hurt for him to actually LEARN something and stop being so dumb!  At least I'm not the one who thinks it is a brilliant idea to take friends along for my honeymoon!?  Everyone I talk to says that's dumb, which it is because it's supposed to be for you and your spouse and not all of your friends?  Ok, I know I'm not being Christ-like, but oh boy, does he push my buttons!  He actually told me my kids would be dumb because they wouldn't have any social skills and they probably wouldn't be able to talk at all.  He also told me that they wouldn't have any friends and they would be just like me because I have problems getting friends in the first place while going to a public school?  I don't care if he was joking or not, that's not funny!!!  He is such a jerk!  How in the world did he ever get lucky enough to get married?  His "jokes", if that's what you wanna call em, are just way too rude!  I told you he pushes my buttons!  He is the only teacher that makes me get so mad so easily!!

Anyways, I'm going to bed!!  I'm going to sleep off this grouchiness and pray that God will help me with my moods!  I don't like being a grumphalumphagus, but that's exactly what I am right now!  If you read this whole thing,  I'm amazed and you deserve a gold star! :)  I don't know exactly who would want to read through all of this nonsense that I am just rambling off and I don't even remember the point of this blog so I guess the title of it fits it perfectly!  I will stop now so you don't have to hear any more!  Good Night!



  1. first time I have been here =) hope school gets better! About what you said, about what you want, that is a very good want =) You mention, but maybe that's not what good had planned...(may I give you advice? You may already know this tho) prepare to be a wife and mother, but live your life add of you'd always be single. By that I mean, work, go to college, get a "career". And if God blesses you with a man...then move on from your first career to your second: wife and eventually mother =) People think that is a waist of education...but it isn't! I hasn't half my college done, finished an EMT course and a medical Billing one, worked a medical front desk for 3 years...and while I studied EMT, I worked for a friend of mine helping her with anything in her house, from homeschooling get kids to cooking to doing stuff online for her business and balancing her books.
    I was searching where I fit in the career world I guess! If I could study more I would study ultrasound tech XD but my life has changed and I love my new full time and a half job! Being a stay at home mom and wife that homeschools her kids is looked down on...but we know it's worth it. I posted an article on my Fb about stay at home moms. You might like it =)
    I'm just rambling now XD I guess I just want to encourage you (some girls get so focused in getting married they throw away ask the opportunities there are in singlehood, some just want a career and never let themselves settle and get married). Being single is great and so is marriage =) Both have different opportunities to serve God and others.
    Ok this comment got very long =p hope you don't mind! Keep seeking God and drawing nearer to him =)

    1. Lydiana, thank you for your advice!! :) I really appreciate it!! I do plan on getting an education past high school! ;) I'm just having a problem deciding what I want to do. I agree whole heartedly about the singleness. Being single is great and I'm sure marriage is too! I actually enjoy this season of singleness, but I just sometimes get my mind stuck in the future that I forget to focus on what's important now! I just really need to prepare myself for both and keep trusting God and things will fall into place like they usually do. I appreciate your encouragement. =) I don't mind about the length of your comment either, you had great things to say! :)

  2. First, watch this video :p :

    And I find it interesting that socialization is the trump card played by schools...isn't teaching and learning supposed to be the #1 goal? And I fail to see how 'socializing' = 'hanging out with kids one's own age for 8+ hours a day'. Socializing is less about trying to fit in and more about learning to deal with a wide range of people, including adults in every stage of life and young children. Just sayin'.

    1. Thanks for the link Molly! :) I totally agree!!! That's why I'm like "What's wrong with you people?" and it's just a waste of time to try to explain these things to them. haha.

  3. very nice Elizabeth. Teacher's should NOT be allowed to talk to students like that, "joking" or not. I'm sorry you had to listen to that! Start with Gen Ed's at John Wood or Carl Sandburg and then you can transfer, or do Early Childhood at Carl Sandburg - they used to have a 2 year program. You would be GREAT working with small children!

    1. Thanks Chris! I will be so glad when I don't have to go to his class every day! His comments were SO uncalled for! I don't think I have ever argued with a teacher this much! And I don't think I have had a teacher who was so rude about things! I have tried to blow off most of his comments this year and not take things so serious, but this was not cool!!
