Sunday, May 6, 2012

Prom 2012

The moment you have all been waiting for.....


Ok, I know there aren't many who read my blog, but I want to share my pictures!  I have pictures on my facebook, but I chose a few to edit just to post on here! :)

I think we will start with *pause for dramatic effect*

My HAIR!!!

My hair was so beautiful and I freakin' loved it!!

Cindi Root did my hair for me and she did a fabulous job!
(Don't mind how white I am! XD)

Alright, now onto the other pictures!  Prepare yourself for how stunningly beautiful I look. :)

Here I am! :)
BTW, Have I mentioned how I LOVE that green door?
It's in our backyard and I love it!

I think I love how this picture looks! :)

I'm tellin' you what!  I felt like a princess on that day!
I didn't feel like an ordinary princess, but God's princess!
I know I'm always His princess, but I just actually felt like it.
I was happy, I felt extremely beautiful inside and out.

Like I said in the above pictures, I felt like a princess!
True princesses are not born; they are born again! <3

I'm definitely beautiful! Inside and out! <3

One of my beautiful sisters! :)
She is amazing!  She was a huuge help with helping me get ready for this day!

they decided to make funny faces and I didn't know it.
Lucas thinks that is a cape....he like wearing "the cape" haha.

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to a few people! :)

Thank you to Jamie for giving me the beautiful dress!

Thank you to Cindi for doing a fantabulous job on my hair! It was gorgeous!

Thank you to my Momma Nicci and Annie for helping me get ready!

Thank you to my Mama Debbie for loaning me some jewelry to wear.

And thank you to all of the people who convinced me to go to prom! I really did have a great time and I danced my butt off!  And if you know me, you know that I don't like to dance! :)

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