Thursday, May 3, 2012

Another blog?

I really want to make another blog!  You're probably wondering what in the world am I going to do with two blogs?  Well let me explain.  I think photography would be interesting to really get involved with so I want a blog for all of my photography.  I don't think my photography skills are the greatest, but we all have to start somewhere, right?  I love looking at other people's photography so for all of you who read my blog and know of some other blogs that I could follow for my "photography blog" that would be great.  It always inspires me to get more involved when I see how beautiful someone's photography is.  It makes me happy!

I don't know if I want to do this for sure yet, but it was just a random thought that sounded like a great idea. 8D  I don't even know what I would name my blog...... I could really use suggestions on that one!  Maybe I could use my hawaiian name.......Elikapeka??.........Elikapeka Photography?  GAH! oh well.  If you have any ideas/suggwestions then PLEASE leave me a comment below!  I love when people leave me comments!  It makes me happy!  No, really it does! :P  I would love to hear your thoughts on this though!

~Elizabeth Marie

P.S.  I don't care how horrible my grammar is right now so if it does bother you, I'm sorry!  I'm careless like that when I get tired!  Good Night! :)

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