Friday, May 25, 2012

Thursday Night Church Service

So tonight we had a prophetic preacher/speaker dude! I have been to many of his services and I really enjoy hearing what he has to say! I will tell you what all he had to say about me.

He said I was outgoing and also aggressive sometimes and all of that stuff which is obvious and doesn't take long to figure out! :)

He also said that he sees me being a leader and working with young people. (He told me once before that he sees me as a youth leader and that I also have a heart for working with children! I absolutely love children and I think I would be able to relate to some situations that teens go through because it's very common these days.)

He said that I like to beat boys at stuff and then if I do beat them, I like to rub it in. (Haha, duhh! who wouldn't! the majority of Boys think they are "the stuff" and they think women are helpless people and I find it funny that some women can do more stuff then them AND they can even do it better sometimes!)

He also said that I am a very compassionate person and I am the type of person to stick up for someone who is getting picked on and threaten him with the "right hand of fellowship", as we like to put it! :) He said that I won't put up with others picking on someone else. (He was totally right on that one! If you could have gone to school with me the last couple of months, you would probably be in shock. I am usually really good at calmly telling someone to be nice and then I move on! Well not here lately. I tell them like it is and how it is not acceptable. I just get to a point where I get tired of people's stupidity!)

Along with the compassionate part for people, he had mentioned how he could see me going on a missions trip and working with people. (He has told me this many of times and I actually want to go to Honduras to visit one of their orphanages. I bawl everytime I see the video that he shows and it makes me want to go there and wrap them children in my arms and hug them and love on them.)

Okay, now this part I don't remember word for word, but he said something about he could see me kinda being in the military. I looked at him like he was dumb and then he went on to say not exactly be in the military, but he sees me taking a stand for what's right and fighting for it.

He also brought up how I wish I were like other girls and how I put myself down. He told me God created me to be my own person. I know this already, but it's just something I struggle with and I am in need of reminders of who God created me to be. It's a difficult struggle sometimes!

I think that is everything that he has mentioned except this last one, which will end up making this post longer.

Let me explain something else though. The last time I saw him, he said he sees me marrying a "permanently tan" husband! he said how mixed culture babies turn out to be really cute babies and he wouldn't doubt it if I meet him on my mission's trip. Well, this time he asked me if I knew anyone who was permanently tan and I said yes. Then he asked me what I though about marrying a permanently tan man and my response was along the lines of "I would freakin' love that!". Then he said how he sees me marrying one. I was dying laughing!! We always joke about my future "tan man" and we also make jokes about how it would be funny if my husband turned out to be albino. hahaha.

As nice as it was to hear him say that again after saying it once before, it was also something that made my mind wander more than it has been! O.O

As some of you might know already, I have been thinking a lot about my future! I am trying so hard not to though! It's sooo hard though! I made a promise to God almost two years ago that I wouldn't waste my teen years on dating! My plan was to never date as a teen and I had to wait until I was 18 since we're considered adults by then! I also wanted to save my "first kiss" for my wedding day! As I started reading more books and thinking more about becoming a wife in the future and day dreaming about what life might be like for me in the future when I meet my husband, I began to set different standards for myself. I decided that I don't want to date at all. It's either date to get married or date to get hurt. I just want to date that one person that I will some day marry. I decided to not get involved in dating relationships because I want to stay emotionally pure as well. I don't want to give peices of my heart to different boys. I don't want to have anything to compare to my husband because that wouldn't be fair to him. I feel very strongly about this stuff. Some people think I'm crazy and I'm losing my mind and they think I "need" a boyfriend, but it all makes sense to me, and no, I do NOT need a boyfriend!!!

Anyways, I have been trying to really have patience with life and I need to just be content where I'm at right now and I should be thankful!!!! It's been a struggle for me lately and I'm not sure why! These past couple of days I haven't been day dreaming as much, but now that "the tan man" subject has been brought up again, my mind will wander a lot. I need to be thankful and happy with "the now" right now! God has a plan for my life and He will work things out according to His plan!

Not my will, Lord, but Yours! <3

Good Night, dear friends! Love ya!



  1. Love now, pray future, learn and grow. I know all you want to do is be married and have children. BUT, you must educate yourself until then. Schooling is very important. Keep up the grades, work hard at anything you do and find joy in today. Don't worry about the boy thing... you don't like boys... remember... they are stupid. :) ps. I don't think you are crazy... I just think you can be a crab bucket sometimes... but who am I... I can be a crab bucket many of times.

    1. Don't worry, I plan on getting an education past a high school education. :)

  2. Reading your post makes me think I'm reading a diary entry in one of my old journals. I never blogged, but I wrote...about 15 journals. (All of which I threw away XD once I got married. In many ways things I wrote weren't me anymore, and I didn't want to go back to the old me. I did keep one...the one of when I merry Isaac =) ) Anyway, it reminds me of my old journals because of what you wrote about daydreaming, and contentment, and living in the now.... That was a constant struggle for me because I was not happy where I was...but I learned a lot about contentment, fighting daydreaming and living and growing in the circumstances God had me in at the moment. =) Keep looking up!

    1. It is a struggle, but I know it's not impossible to overcome it. I used to write some things down in a journal, but I haven't done that in a while. I probably should start back up though. It might help to write out all of my thoughts instead of having them in my head all of the time. :) I think it'll help to just start thanking God for where I'm at now. I still have a lot to learn. :) I really appreciate that you take the time to comment on my blog. You're encouraging to me. :)

  3. I kind of agree with Elizabeth. As Tom Stammon said, (which I thought he was going to tell me but he didn't), BOYS ARE BAD!!!

    1. some boys are bad, but some are not!! But I still choose to stay away from boys!! :)

  4. True...but most are just trouble. Haha I need to stay away from boys. Or just on in particular...but i don't want to :)

    1. Well that's between you and God!! :)

    2. That's true...You're the only one who seems to think so :)

    3. Well they are only wanting the best for you. I've just come to the conclusion that there's nothing I can really do except leave it to God. so now it's between you and God to decide! :)

    4. That wasn't meant bad or to hurt your feelings.......

      That's what I should have done from the get go and that's what others should do. It's not up to us to decide for you, it's for you and God! :) And we shouldn't tell you what you need to do.

  5. It didn't. Just made me realize..

    I really do appreciate what everyone has told me, I mean, they only want the best for me. I tried to listen, but I just wasn't happy. It sucked...

    1. I understand!!! Well I somewhat understand. hahahaah.
