Saturday, June 16, 2012

La La Loopsy Party....AGAIN!!!!

So since I will be leaving probably tomorrow, I decided to have one more "party" with the girls again!  I took them swimming, brought them in and gave them a bath, put PJs on, braided their hair and etc.  After that we went and got their dolls and we colored in their new giant coloring books and ate whoppers and it was a calm and relaxing little evening for a little while!!!  I have a few pictures!

She has some awesome coloring skills!!!

She was either looking outside or at her cousin!  It's hard tellin'.

Here is Miss Anna coloring! :)

And here are some of the Big heavy headed dolls! (and one carebear!)

Tonight I also played Life with Annie and I ended up with a husband and 5 kids.  3 of my own and adopted twins.  It was crazy!!  Then we went outside for a little while and watched the storm!!  We watched some bright and awesome lightning and then it blew the street light bulb.  It kinda looked like half of the town of bowen was out of power!!  I love watching storms. :)

Well, I think tomorrow is the day I leave!!  The mission trip doesn't start until tuesday, but I'm going down there early.  I have to finish figuring out what I need to finish packing!!  I think my suitcase weighs enough though!!!   I am so excited for this mission trip!! :)  I'm sure there will be multiple blog posts about it when I get back!!  :)  I also found some notes on something that I read out of the bible and I had compared it to my situation with trying to communicate to my father.  It was something that really helped me and was a reminder to me.  It has been a while it seems like, but I would still like to share them anyways. :)

I'm very giddy tonight and I'm trying so hard to calm down so I don't wake people up, but it's really hard to stop laughing once you have been laughing for what seems like hours!! I had to come and write this blog just so I can calm down some! :)  I'm very talkative today!!  It's so bad that I find random things to talk about just so I can talk and I don't stop thinking until I have a story or something "funny" to say!!  I will spare your sanity by not telling you anymore and just going to bed!! hahaha. Good Night!!!!!!


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