Thursday, June 14, 2012

LaLa Loopsy Party! :)

So I promised Gracie and Anna that we would have a LaLa Loopsy party, but it wasn't as great and fun as I was wanting it to be since it was late and I was trying to figure out other things!! Out party involved La La Loopsy dolls and coloring!! It wasn't too bad though!

I did have pictures that I was going to show you, but now I can't because my SD card and/or computer has gone retarded and deleted my pictures. And now it's showing I have the same amount of space on it that I did with all of my pictures on it!! This is soooo frustrating!!!

I braided Anna's hair tonight and I did an inverted French braid (also known as a dutch braid or something like that!) I have a hard time even French braiding, but tonight I did it like I have been doing it for years! I was very proud of myself.

I'll have to have another la la loopsy party with the girls so I can actually show you some pictures! That will have to wait until after my mission trip though! My mission trip is in Staunton Illinois and I'm leaving early to go stay with Peggy and Nathan and then the mission trip is Tuesday through Sunday! I'm either leaving tomorrow or Saturday! This means I'll be missing father's day back at home & won't be seeing the Chris, Amy, and the kids, but they're always in my prayers!!

I'm very thankful that I get the opportunity to go this year!! I'm beyond ecstatic and honored that I get to go! It looks like I'm gonna have to buy a new SD card for my trip though! :) I can't wait to see what God has planned for this year!!! Wonderful things are going to take place!! Well who knows when I'll be able to blog again, but be blessed!! Have a great Friday & weekend!!


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