Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This gets boring...

I do something everyday to keep me busy and I still feel like I want to do something and I'm missing out on something! I want to take pictures, but life has been crazy! I want to write an awesome blog, but I'm just full of randomness! I want to write something awesome all of the time that it is encouraging to others & maybe more people will read my blog & they'll comment, if my blog allows them to. Hahahahaha. I want to start finding topics to talk about & really get into the scripture and connect it to other scripture in the bible and etc. I can't ever figure out what to blog about so hey, why not?? It sounds like a great idea to me!! :) I can't really promise you a whole lot though because I usually seem like a busy bee! XD I think it's an awesome idea & I have been thinking about it for a while so it's just a thought!!

How are y'all doing tonight?? Or should I say how are y'all doing on this lovely beautiful morning?? It's starting to get a little cold outside!! I think I also need a midnight snack! ;) JK!!! A bowl of cereal sounds good though! Like some Reese's PB cup kind of cereal!! 8D

I think I might have to take some pictures of our Aunt Leah's cat!! His name is Sheldon and he's a spaz!! He is so funny though! I think I really like this cat!

I think maybe I should go to sleep eventually, but I'm having a blast with mama nicci and auntie Leah!! They are sooooo stinkin' funny!

So, I really hope that I get to go to mission reach again this year! I would be the only one from our youth group going, but I think I would get more out of it instead of going to camp! I know that camp would probably be great and stuff and you get time to focus on God and the people there help encourage and pour into you, but so does this mission trip! Not only do you get that experience with the mission trip, but you also get to serve others and impact other people's lives & tell them about Jesus!! It helps you to stop being so self centered and serving others just leaves me to be humble. I don't want to knock church camp because I have never been to one, but I'm to the point that I want to do more than being poured into! I want to pour into others what is being poured into me. I don't know if I'm making sense or not. I know that different things work for different people, and this is what I feel works best for me!! After all, Tom Stamman keeps telling me to go on a mission's trip!!! ;) (I actually really hope that I get an opportunity to go on a mission trip out of the country one of these days!!) Honduras is what I feel that's on my heart!!

Well I'm going to bed!!! I'm just rambling a lot tonight!!

One more thing though, our garden is looking great!! We got some lettuce and spinach out of the garden & we're getting some tomatoes!! (I dislike tomatoes, but I still find it very exciting!!!)

Good night & God bless!!

~ Lizard <3

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