Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Anniversary Grandma & Grandpa!! {7-5-12}

Today would have been my Grandparent's anniversary, but sadly, they are no longer here on earth!  I really trust and believe that they are in heaven.  I don't say that because some believe everyone goes to heaven, but I just have this peace that they are HOME!!  I know that before my grandma passed my grandpa was talking about how they both accepted Christ into their lives.  I never got to see my grandparents all of the time, but when I went there, I remember seeing a bible on their coffee table.  My grandma's health wasn't the greatest, so they never went to church and they didn't go many places, but I still believe that they had a relationship with God and that's what matters.

This day reminds me of what they told me every year around this time!  They always told me that I was their anniversary gift since I was born two days after their anniversary!!  Even though I never really got to see my grandparents a lot because I didn't live near them most of the time, I felt close to them!  My grandpa always said that I was his angel!! :)  My mom had a different opinion of that though! ;)  I felt like I could always tell them everything!  I used to always call them on their birthday, anniversary, holidays, and just on random days when I felt like talking, because I just loved to call them and talk for hours!  I actually really miss that though!  I absolutely hate talking on the phone these days, but if they were still here on earth, I wouldn't have a problem calling them and talking for as long as I could! :)

Well I will go for now, but I really needed to blog about my grandparents for a while!  :)


Since my gra

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