Saturday, July 14, 2012


Okay so for my birthday, my mom got me a purity ring!! :)  I was very shocked that she actually got it for me and I was very thankful she did.  We had to order it, of course and it just came in today!! :D  I will hopefully write a blog post about it tomorrow!!  Right now I'm very tired!!

So, I was supposed to start working at the Dairy Barn later on in this month.  Actually, I was supposed to start training with Annie on the 23rd and 24th.  Well there was a change of plans.  One of the girls had to call into work tonight and wasn't able to work, so they called me in tonight!!  I was so excited!! :)  I was actually catching on pretty quick and I actually made a lot of stuff.  I'm very proud of myself. :)  I am very thankful the girls were patient with me though!!  I don't think I was difficult to work with though!! ;)

Well I will blog more tomorrow. I still have to edit a blog post that I wasn't going to post.   I also need to blog about my birthday!! :)  Also to all of my readers who are my friends, My phone is currently shut off so you can get ahold of me through facebook! :)  Oh and I think I have swimmer's ear or whatever, so please pray for that!!  It's not fun!! :/

See y'all later!!



  1. For ear infections, try this: Cut a garlic clove in half long ways, then put it in your ear with the cut side facing into your ear( not like all the way, just over the opening). Hold it in place with a band aid or first aid tape. :) I have never had to try it myself, but know a friend who used that for her little boy when he had a bad ear infection and a fever and it would take the pain away and pull out the infection. :)

    1. I am currently on antibiotics and ear drops. My canal is swollen shut from infection in the ear canal & I also have infection on my ear drum. We weren't able to get drops down my ear, but I think they're slowly starting to go down! I would try the garlic thing, but I'm not sure if we have any right now!! Thanks though because one day I might try it & it will probably come in handy!! :)
