Monday, August 27, 2012

Quick update

So I realize I haven't blogged in a while. I started school last week and I can't believe I'm a senior!! That just means it's getting closer to college and I have no idea what I want to do with my life!! So far my senior year has been great!! It feels kinda weird though! Not only because I'm a senior, but because one of our teachers retired last year! I actually went to go to English class and I almost walked into her old room and then I wanted to cry!! She had such a great impact on my life as well as many others!! It's just not the same!!

I'm really enjoying my classes so far! I am loving my psychology class!! It's awesome! We have a good time in there!

So I have been busy with school & work! It's nice on the days I don't have homework! I love the idea of getting more hours too! ;) it's been awesome!

So since this is my senior year, I have decided to join FCCLA. I have kinda always wanted to join and I have always wanted to get involved more somehow, so this is what I have decided!! :)

Well I'm headed to bed since I'm not a morning person & I plan on having annie curl my hair!! (I can't curl my own hair).

I have a quick funny for you though. This morning I bent down to pick up my dry erase board from the bottom of my locker & my hair got caught on the hook/latch thing!! It was embarrassing!! Good thing Annie's locker is close to mine!! Hahaha

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