Thursday, September 27, 2012

For my momma Nicci!

You have made one of the biggest decisions that you probably could have made.  I know right now that you are trying to overcome the pain of all of this, but you will get so much better in time!  I know you have some bad days lately, but you are also having some really good days!  You are doing great, and we are so proud of you!  I know there are times when you may feel useless because you aren't capable of doing much, but we totally understand!!  We are happy to help you out and do whatever that needs done.  We're a family and that's what a family is for!  You are one of the people who helped me understand that!!  You have been a great mom to me and to your other two beautiful daughters!!  By getting this surgery done, you are more capable of doing all the things you wish to do with your children!  You are also going to be able to do more to let God use you and do more to expand the Kingdom of God!  You are a child of the King and I know that you just can't wait to be able to do more and not worry about anything holding you back!!  Once the pain is gone from the surgery, you probably won't have hardly any pain at all.  We pray that the feet pain goes away, but I'm sure you will feel like a new person!  You will feel BEAUTIFUL!  You will feel and know without doubting that you are God's Princess!  You are His pride and joy!  You will probably have this whole new sense of freedom!!  I love you!!!  I am PROUD of YOU!!!  You are amazing and this surgery was definitely for the best!!  God has a huge plan for you and for the family and I can't wait to see what all that has to involve!!  I feel incredibly blessed to be apart of your family and experience this with you guys and to be a family together!  God definitely knew what He was doing!!  I believe God put me with you guys for a reason, and for a great reason at that!! I love you!!  You are an incredible momma!! <3  Thank you for pouring into my life and thank you for loving me, helping me, and praying me through things!  Thank you for never giving up on me even if I were difficult at times!  Thank you for always believing in me and helping me understand a few things in and about life!  Thank you for being there for me in the difficult times of my life!!  I love you all the way to the moon and back again! <3

Your daughter,

~Elizabeth Marie

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