Sunday, February 9, 2014

What Not To Tell Single Girls

Take the time to read this post!!!  I agree with this so much!!

Only being 18, I have heard all of these!!  I know people have good intentions and they want to be encouraging, but sometimes these are not the things that I want to hear.  There are times when I do accept this encouragement, and other times I just want to fully block those people out for the time being.

Everyone is different.  But I know that my heart's desire is that I just want to be a wife and a mother!!  Some people want to get other things out of the way before that happens, and that's fine!  My junior and senior year of high school, it was just an emotional and mental battle for me on what I was going to do with my life after high school.  I so badly just wanted to get married and start my life as a wife and become a mother.  If I didn't have to go to college, and I could do what I wanted, I wouldn't have went to college.  I know that I need to go to college, and I need to have something that I can do if all else fails.  Not to mention that I don't think I could see myself being a full time mom!  Once my children got older, I would have to get a job!  I would just go insane if I wasn't working.  So going to college is definitely a great idea!  And that's actually why I'm only going to a two year college.  I don't want to do anything "Big" with my life as far as a career goes.

Knowing that my first year of college will be over before I know it, and I only have one more year left, I'm wondering where my life is going.  I know for sure that I don't want to live on my own!!!  I think that will hurt more on being single then I do now.  I can't live with my parents forever.  I know that at some point, they're just going to have to kick me out or something, because I probably won't be leaving anytime soon.  I know that I shouldn't try to rush things and people tell me to enjoy this time now.  I'm thankful for this time!  And it's not like I don't enjoy my life, but this is my heart's desire and this is what I long for.

I have spent many trips to and from work, just crying out to God and telling him how I feel.  Why do I do that in my car??  I'm not really sure, but that's where I often go to Lord broken.  And I feel his love and comfort in those times too.  I know that God's timing is perfect and there is a season for everything, but I just feel so broken and like there's just a part of me missing, and I am just ready to fill that missing piece.

People always like to say to go after your dreams.  If I told someone this, I'm sure that everyone would think of something different.  Well being a wife and mother is my dream, and I'm not giving up on that dream!!!  I'm tired of people saying that I'm still just a young one and I have a whole life ahead of me!  That I'll have plenty of years to be that!!  Although there is some truth to that, we're also not promised tomorrow!!  I'm sure there is still a lot of learning and growing that has to take place in my life, but we are all still learning and growing every day as life goes on!!  I just so badly want to experience and grow with someone, and I want that someone to be my husband!!

That blog post just says everything so perfectly and it's everything that I've been feeling for a while, but not many act like they understand!!  I find that very funny though, because I'm sure at some point that person was feeling and experiencing similar things that I am.  Well here's my own feelings and venting!!

Hope you all enjoyed that little article!!!  I know that I sure did!!


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