Monday, October 13, 2014

Life......Being an Adult.....

I can honestly say that I love being an adult!! Sometimes it's not that fun, but I wouldn't trade it....

Preston and I have our own place, and trust me, it's nothing fancy!! Actually, if you ask anyone who has been in our apartment, you'll quickly find out that it's kind of ghetto!! Haha! I live in a house that is divided into four apartments! And let me tell you what, it sucks 99% of the time!! So far the only 1% about it not sucking is when you get locked out and your neighbor has to let you back in!

Ok, let me explain!

I live upstairs and there is a screen door and then stairs leading to the door of my apartment! (My door has wood covering where a window used to be!) When my screen door slams shut, it shuts too far! My very first night staying here, I had it happen to me and I couldn't get out, causing me to be late for work! Just a couple weeks ago, I went downstairs to go to the basement to do some laundry! I left my phone upstairs thinking I'll be quick about it! I came back only to find out that I couldn't get back in! I was going to sit on my steps for a while acting like nothing was wrong because I was embarrassed! Then it started raining and I had no choice but to ask one of my neighbors for help! Thankfully she lived in the apartment before me and knew what to do!

The rest of my apartment is interesting as well. I have hideous green carpet.  I can't even explain how hideous it is! I joke around and call it my grass! When I'm vacuuming my carpet, it just feels like I'm mowing! (It's also a lot of work to vacuum the carpets with my vacuum. It's very thick in some places and my vacuum doesn't have adjustable settings! It's something else I tell ya!

I would say that the size of our apartment is the size of someone's living room and dining room put together! (Decent size rooms!) My living room shouldn't probably even be considered a living room! Our kitchen is actually probably big enough for a living room to be in there too. We are actually contemplating on putting our dining room table in the "living room". It's pretty hilarious how things are! One thing is for sure, I have pretty decent closet space! There is one as you walk in our apartment and it's very deep and has great width to it. And then there's our bedroom closet and I could probably fit a twin size bed in there! I love my closet!! I have a window at the end of my closet and I actually find it cool!! It almost makes me feel like it's Romeo & Juliet!! Our apartment is kind of like an adventure!!

Although there are a lot of things that I don't like about it, and I can't wait until we can find something better, I'm very thankful! I love being able to have something and to call it home! My home! It's not about what it looks like, or what we have or don't have! It's about who I share it with!! Just the other day Preston moved in! I love it!! I love cooking dinner just knowing that he will have something good to come home to and eat! It feels more like home now! I love it so much! I'm so blessed to have him in my life!

God has been so good to us! He has provided everything for us! Preston is back working at Gregory's and he has all of his fines paid off, has his license, and his truck will be running soon! Oh, and God blessed us with a bank that actually decided to give us a chance so we could get a loan to get a vehicle! It was a huge blessing! I am beyond grateful!

I don't think I would have ever imagined myself driving this kind of car, but I love it! It's a Buick Park Avenue! And it has heated seats! I love it! :)

Although life has been great, it has felt a little stressful at times! Especially this week! I have gotten another promotion at County Market! I am now the Assistant Customer Service Manager! I enjoy my job some days more than others! ;) Our CSM just had her little baby boy! So it's just been a crazy week trying to figure out things! I'm hoping things eventually calm!

I am very content with how my life is going!! I am blessed! I am beyond thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life as well!! :) Now that I'm done talking a bunch I'll just throw in some random pictures! ;)

Our first selfie in our new car!! :)

And we also just recently got some family pictures taken! Iove them! I'm so blessed to be a part of this loving and crazy family! :)

I love my bubba!!

His eyes hurt so he couldn't open them much!


Preston and I wore our TMNT shirts together! :) *his idea*

And I made him TMNT cupcakes for his birthday!! :) (I also spoiled him and bought him a ps3)
I think that the best girlfriend of the year award goes to me! ;)

It's not every day you walk outside f your work and see scared me....

The 22nd was our 7 months! I made this collage and each one of these pictures are special! 

Beautiful!! 💚

I can't forget our visit with our best friend! He hung out all night and afternoon! Preston misses!

I dyed my hair!! :) I love this color!

Well I think that will be all for now! It's time for me to go to bed!!! :) It feels good to be blogging! Hopefully I'll have a few photo shoots coming up soon! :) Stay tuned! Hopefully I'll be posting more often! :)

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