Sunday, May 3, 2020


I have decided to try and start blogging again so here I am.  haha.  It has been 5 years since my last post.  Yikes!

Since I am in my house 24/7, I have a little more free time and I honestly missed this.  I have been lucky enough to work from home and I have been working a lot of hours while it's more convenient.  I am also trying to focus on my side hustle (Pure Romance) and I have recently started building my own team, so I am trying to help them the best that I can.  I'm still staying pretty busy, but it's different when I can't just go run around with friends and do whatever I want.

Jesse and I split up about a month and a half ago, but I'm actually handling everything very well.  Thanks to Facebook memories I have recently been seeing my old posts that remind me how much I was hurting years ago.  It's amazing to see how something like that shows you how far you have come.  Back then, I couldn't understand how I wasn't good enough to be loved no matter how much love I gave.  Today, I realize that I can love someone but it's more important to love myself first.  It's also important for them to learn how to love themselves and it isn't my responsibility to make sure they do that.  Learning to love myself also involves respecting myself and not letting others disrespect me.  Reflecting back on that is what makes me want to start posting things on my blog again.  When I logged into my blog, I found quite a few drafts that I never had intentions of posting because there were many times I used this as my own personal journal.  Most of those were from 5-7 years ago and I went through and deleted them tonight, but I want to make this blog like my "safe place".  I want to be able to express my thoughts and feelings here.  I don't care if anyone reads my blog, but I want this to be a place where I can be real with my thoughts and feelings.  And for those who do come across my blog and read it, I'm sure you will see plenty of pictures of my sweet Winnie girl (my cat).

I'm sorry if this post is all over the place.  Again, it has been five years since my last post and I don't even remember the last time since then, that I have even attempted to express myself in writing.  I wasn't even planning on typing all of that, but oh well. haha

Much Love,


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