Sunday, April 29, 2012


You're probably wondering what in the world that is/means.

Let me explain.

I have read these books that are the Christy Miller series and in those books, her boyfriend calls her by her hawaiian name sometimes.  Her name is Christina so, therefore her hawaiian name is Kilikina.  It sounds beautiful. Well that's if I'm pronouncing it right! XD  Hahaha.  Who cares if I'm pronouncing it the correct way or not, it still sounds beautiful.

My mama Nicci always tells me that I look like a Hawaiian Eskimo.  She will actually randomly tell me on some days whether or not I look more Hawaiian or more Eskimoish.  I find it rather amusing.  Yesterday was my Junior prom and it was awesome!  I felt like a Princess!! I looked amazingly beautiful, but my beauty comes from within also.  I will post pictures and stuff later on because I'm too tired to do it now!  Anyways, my hair was adorable and I had a flower in it and it just reminded me that I looked more Hawaiian yesterday! ;)  I was actually going to blog about prom and post my pictures, but I got distracted with the Author's facebook page of the book mentioned above and I wanted to find out what my name was in Hawaiian, so I googled and I found out!! :)

Well I am exhausted and still feeling a little blah from this cold, plus extra problems and I think I will be going to bed soon!!.......well, if I don't get distracted with something on the internet! *whistles innocently*

I shall blog again soon!!  Have a terrific week!


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