Friday, May 11, 2012

Awards day!!

So don't mind these pictures!  They look really bad, but I'm really proud of myself and I had to take a picture of them so you can see! :)

This was my first award and it was given to me by Miss Cramer.
I got this award because I always had the highest grade in my class througout the whole year.

I got this award second.  This award was given to me by Mr. Gooding.
He said that I tried my best throughout the whole year and I changed a lot over the past year and that I am actually beginning to like History. (He was wrong about the last part there!) Hahaha. I felt honored though! :)

This last one is a HUGE one though!  I actually got this one first, and this was definitely well earned!  We had four different drawings. One of them involved everyone who had high honor roll for 1st semester.  Another one was zero dicipline points for the whole year.  The third one was about perfect attendence all year and then there was a drawing for the "student of the year" who made all three of those requirements!  I had to stand for all of them, because I met all of those.  One student was eligible to win $500 from each "category".  I was wondering if my name was ever gonna get picked and finally it got picked for the last one as the "Student of the Year".  I was soooo happy!!  Here is proof, just in case you don't believe me!

I feel so honored to have this!!  My hard work was worth it this year and even for more reasons than this of course!!


It's a lot of money and I'm still having problems believeing it for myself!
I'll finally be able to open up a checkings or savings account! :D


This year has actually been a really tough year!  I have worked so hard to keep my grades up!  There were many times when I just didn't want to do some assignments because that was what I was use to doing in the past.  I got myself in the routine of doing my homework anyways and overcoming my bad habit and laziness from the past and then I wanted to slip back into the old routine as school started to come closer to the end, but I had to force myself through that.  It was REALLY hard!  My freshman and sophomore year were terrible.  I never really did my homework and if I did. it was only in certain classes.  Instead of being a big girl and forcing my way through a project, I would just quit and not care how it was done because it was too time consuming!  School was the last thing that I had on my mind during those years.  I never took school seriously and I thought that it couldn't affect me too much if I slack in a couple classes.  Oh boy!  I was wrong!  I regret not taking school seriously.  I really do.

My GPA so far throughout my high school career isn't exactly the highest.  My ACT score is not as high I would like it to be.  I had to realize that my ACT score really isn't that bad for only starting to actually do homework and stuff in school and how bad my GPA is.  I have really worked my butt off first semester and this second semester has been rough!  I think I'm going to take any final that I can that is not a 4.0 because I have to get my GPA up.  I think I might be taking 3 finals this semester even though I'm not required to do so.  Next year, I think I have another full schedule again like I did this year, except I might get a study hall for my senior year! :) hahaa.  I have to really work my butt off next year too which should be so fun since I have so many classes!  I guess these are the consequences to my stupidity!  It's a good thing that I have a great church family that has been so encouraging to me to do well in school.  If it were not for them and the help and strength for the Lord, then I think I would have given up by the time second semester came around.  I am extremely proud of myself and I know that others are too and I think it's teaching me that I can be successful as long as I do my best at whatever I do.  It's really taught me a lot and I'm still learning a few things! :)  I just want to thank everyone who has helped me on this journey! You know who you are! ;)  I guess it also helps when your teachers are encouraging and supportive too!

  ~The almost senior! :)

(I feel like there are a lot of misspelled words because I'm so tired that nothing looks right, so I apologize) :)


  1. That is AWESOME!!! We're very proud of how far you've come in the past year--and these are just the physical signs of how far. It IS hard work, but so worth it.

    (On a side note, I didn't notice any misspelled words. :p)

    Keep it up! We are praying for you!

    1. thanks Molly!! :) I know it will be so worth it! I must say that I am actually proud of myself for once in my life!

  2. So, so proud of your many accomplishments! Best of all to me though is your sweet attitude filled with optimism and confidence.....

    1. Wow! Why am I just now replying back to this?

      Mrs. Hopper, you have had such a huge impact on my life! You have been such a blessing to me and one of the best teachers I could have ever asked for. I really wish you didn't have to retire so I could have you for one more year, but I realize that even though I couldn't have you for one more year as my teacher, you have impacted my life in so many ways and so many times during those years that I did have you as my teacher! You have been such an encouragement to me and you are definitely one that I look up to a lot!
