Friday, May 18, 2012

I feel like I haven't been here in a while.

I feel like I haven't blogged in months!!!  I feel so lost without my blogging! haha.  It becomes a routine after a while and so it feels weird when you haven't posted in the last three days....or a week.  I'm not sure how long ago my last post was, but I have felt busy.  I can say that school is officially out for the summer.  WOOHOO!!!  I went to school on tuesday to take my English final just because I wanted to.  Then we had to go to school today for like an hour to get our report cards.  Seriously?  What's the point in that?

Anyways, I got my report card today, and I made high honors again!!!!!!!!!! 8D

I am sooooo excited!! I have worked so hard this year!!

Something sad about this school year coming to an end, is that one of our best southeastern teachers has retired this year.  It's really sad.  She was one of my favorites and she was one of the absolute best english teachers ever!!  I can honestly say that I she has taught me a lot and she has definitely impacted my life in a positive way!  I am going to miss her so much!

I can't believe that I am officially pretty much considered a senior ALREADY!!!!!!!!  Where has the time gone?  It has gone by so fast and I have come a long ways since I came back to Southeastern as a freshman.  I am very glad and thankful that I have gotten to spend my high school years at Southeastern.  I'm hoping and praying I am able to graduate at Southeastern as well.

Well, wednesday night, I put in an application at DQ in Carthage!  I'm hoping and praying that I get the job.  If you could please be in prayer with me on that, that would be great.  I'm gonna need a summer job and I'm hoping I get this job.

So, I opened up a checking account and put my money in there that I got on awards day.  I feel so grown up now.  It makes me wanna cry!  Once I tithe that money and it sits in the bank, I think I'm going to look into cameras more.  I'm kind of leaning towards a Canon, but I'm not sure yet.  I think I might start a Photography blog and I would like to get myself a better camera because I want to go into photography.  I think it's fun and I think I could take a couple classes and when I get A LOT better, it could be something fun to do on the side!  I think I might go into early childhood education and then if my photography skills are any good, I might do some of that on the side because who knows where God will lead me.  I thought about going to a christian college, but I'm not exactly sure if that's what I want.  I'm thinking of just going to a college around here and then doing what I want and then getting out of there.  I really like the idea of C ofO, but I just don't like the idea of being away from home.

It will all work itself out though and it will fall into place.  I'm beginning to be more patient with life then what I was a couple weeks ago.  Maybe it's because it's summer time now!! Well I think I will stop talking about random things! :)  Blessings to your Summer of 2012!!  Enjoy it!

Happy Summer of 2012,

Lizard! :)

P.S.  I got to stay with my best friend, Brittany!  I love her!  I haven't stayed with her in a while.  Love ya Palikane.  Oh and I had chinese food yesterday!  I love chinese!  Well that is all. I promise! Bye!

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