Thursday, May 10, 2012

Just a Thursday!

The first part of the day was my normal routine!  I got up, took a shower, brushed my hair and teeth, got dressed and went to school.  It was just a boring day which I will not complain at all!  We watched Wall-E in health and I must say that that movie is one of the most romantic movies yet!  How sweet.   And then we got to Advanced Bio and we had to perform our stupid songs!  It wasn't my favorite assignment in the world.  Then we watched a video on disection of the cat, which I'm kinda glad we didn't have  to disect because it's kinda sad.  Not to mention that the cat in the video was all dead and looked scary.  It look even more scary than any scary movie that I use to watch.  While we "watched" that, we worked on questions that were at the end of the chapter.  She said she won't give us extra credit for them, but she'll give us a normal grade for em, but I'm not sure if they were mandatory to do..  I guess it doesn't matter though because I did them anyways after I finished my test in Spanish.  My semester grade in there is a B-.  It doesn't make me too happy, but that class is kinda hard.  There was just too much to remember when it came time to take the test.  I'm not looking forward to what college will be like.  I don't want to take her final, but I will ONLY if it will help my grade and not hurt it.  Her tests are usually hard and I don't think I could risk my grade by taking it! :/

After school, I came home kinda crabby, but then my mood slowly changed.  That doesn't mean that I still wasn't expressing what was on my mind.  It was just....nicer?  Well anyways, we are planting a garden and so we planted some things today.

Gracie had way too much fun watering it!  She ended up soaked!  So I planted some sunflower seeds and can't wait to have sunflowers!  I love sunflowers!  they're pretty!

she is a cutie! i <3 her!

a random picture of a random flower! :)

Jason took these from his truck and put them on his lawn mower.  He says ya never know when you might need them and they'll come in handy! *facepalm*

After the exciting afternoon outside, we came in and ate and then Annie and I came and cleaned our closet and did some organizing.  Then I took myself a relaxing bath(after Annie popped my back because it's been bothering me the past couple of days.)  I have also been listening to some Josh Turner which would make anyones evening better!  I love Josh Turner!  Well I will probably have to wake up at like 6 am so Annie can curl my hair since tomorrow is awards day!  I'm hoping to get an award! :)  I just hope my hair decides to be nice to me and not get greasy looking over night because that would suck! -,-

Well I am going to bed now!  Just thought I would write a post about today since I have no life even though I attend public school!  (You wouldn't understand!)  Well I shall blog again soon!  Probably tomorrowish!  Good Night and Happy Thursday! Almost a happy Friday! I will be happy when this week is over!


P.S. I liked this quote so I just want to throw it in here! "Men and women are like right and left hands; it doesn't make sense not to use both." -Jeannette Rankin

(I apologize for my blog posts always being so full of random things! You don't mind do you? Good!  I would hope not because it probably isn't going to change anytime soon! :))

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