Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I don't have a name for this blog post!

I have really been in love with my camera!  It's a Nikon coolpix L810, Or something along those lines!  I think I chose a really great camera!!  I am in love with it!!!!!!!!!!  It's my baby!  I think photography is something awesome that I would like to go into as a side thing!  I'm not the best "photographer" in the world, but I also don't think I'm too bad either!!!  I think I need more self-esteem.  Have you ever done something and you don't like to show people because you don't think it's really that good because there are people out there better than you!!!????  Well that's me when it comes to taking pictures!  I took pictures of my sister and her bf and they were cute and stuff.  Then when it came time to show his mom the pictures, I didn't think they were the best  in the world, but she absolutely loved them and made the comment about how she should have me do their family pictures!!  I freaked out, but on the inside because I didn't want it to show!!  I am trying really hard to have confidence in myself, but it is really hard because I always compare myself to other people and I see them better than myself.  I really have a lot to work on with myself!!  God is definitely not done shaping and molding me!!  I made my Elikapeka Photography blog and you can find it here: Elikapeka Photography and I also made a facebook page and you can find that here: Elikapeka Photography

I made those two things because I want to get to a place where I'm not afraid to show my "work".  I figured these two places would be a great place to start where people can see them.  I really could use the encouragement, kind words, and wonderful comments. :)  I really appreciate those who comment already.  There are certain people whos opinions matter to me and when they comment and don't even know it makes my day, let me tell you what, it does!! :)  and it keeps me going and wanting to do more!!  So like my fb page if you haven't already and follow my blog too.  Follow both of them actually and feel free to leave me comments!! Comments on my blog really makes my day as well. You can ask the people I live with, I get excited and sometimes get a squeal in there and sometimes feel like I could hyperventilate(sp?).  No joke!

Onto other things! :)  yesterday we had a cookout with some new friends of ours.  they're our neighbors and they are extremely nice!!  We had a blast with them.  I hung out with the adults because the teens and children played on the slip and slide and I was still recovering from some inner abdominal bruising or something painful like that!!  I was hurting for a couple of days, but yesterday I had to suck it up and I had to help a lot in the kitchen to prepare for said cookout.  I was doing like 15 things at once.  I must say that I'm epic! XD  Anyways, after they were done slip and sliding, they went and played kinect on the xbox and that didn't grab my attention.  I'm not big on video games and it just didn't look like too much fun!!!

Today was a boring and somewhat relaxing day.   Nothing too exciting happened.  I watered the garden and then I found Nicci's stepping stones that they have been looking for forever!!  I think I just became her favorite child, but don't tell annie or gracie that! ssssssshhhh!  It's a secret! :)  Well I'm off to upload more pictures possibly!! :)  Have a wonderful evening and week!!!! :)



  1. Don't ever doubt what you can do Elizabeth. God has blessed you with so many gifts. I believe He intends for us to use our gifts. Just remember to give Him the glory. I really enjoy your blog!

    1. Thank you!!!! That was very encouraging to me!!! Thanks for commenting! I'm glad to hear that someone enjoys my blog and it's nice to know that others read it!! :)
