Sunday, May 27, 2012

I think I get it now!!

So I have spent a lot of time on pinterest today!  Does anyone else find it hard to stop pinning everything that looks awesome and get something productive done or at least switch to somthing different?  I don't get on pinterest much and that is why! :)  Anyways, I found two pictures on there that I like, but by the time I got to the second picture I was like "okay, I think I got it now!"

This was the first one!  I love this one though! <3

And then I came across this one!!!

If you have been reading my blog, you would understand the reasonings of why these two seemed to be right at me!! :P

I'm just thanking God for where I'm at now and praying that He will help me be content where I am at.  I must say that things are starting to slowly get a little better in my mind.  It's not as crazy up there like it has been.  Okay, that's a matter of opinion!  Lets not go there! ;)

Well I felt like doing a little blog so I could get off pinterest!! Now I think I'm going to bed! :)  It's nice to blog right before bed.  I'm not sure why, but it is! :)

Good Night my readers!!!
I will be back on later for a birthday post for a special someone who is an important person in my life! :)  She's one of my many moms and she's just awesome!  I'll blog again soon!

~Lizard :)

P.S.  I think I will name my camera Elikapeka.  It's still undecided, but just a thought! :)


  1. Yes, it's VERY hard to stop pinning and go do something productive. XD It's just so addicting.

    Contentment...hmmm. That's one of those things that sounds really easy but it's actually really hard to do if you're aware of it. It's kinda like humility in that aspect. As far as I've figured it out, contentment is not thinking 'I need to be more content!!' and figuring out what's wrong when you aren't. It kinda creeps up until you suddenly wake up and realize, 'I AM content'. If you're too busy living and loving life to be discontent, that's half the battle right there. :)

    Bring your camera to church! I can't wait to see it! :D

    1. It is very hard, haha. I won't be able to make it to church today because Jason's mom is still visiting for the weekend. :) I will bring it another time though!! I think I take it everywhere with me now!! XD
