Friday, June 8, 2012


Yesterday and today, we cleaned our pool.  It was really disgusting and smelled really bad, but it was given to us for free, so I guess I can't complain too much! XD  We scrubbed that pool with so much bleach, it's not even funny!  Today it was just all straight bleach and my hands were feeling it!  Part of my fingers feel kinda raw and they're red and burn like crazy sometimes!  I also lost my hair that was on that part of the finger!  It's really weird!  They're really smooth though! :P  I didn't swim in the pool yet today after all of that hard work!  We had some friends over and they all got in so I decided to help finish dinner!  We had ham and beans and cornbread! :)  No one even stayed in the pool very long anyways!  I'll probably make my way into the pool sometime this weekend!!

We have had more of a full house than usual.  We had like 10 people here.  We have two extra people staying with us for the weekend and we had like three other friends over.  It was kinda crazy here for a little bit.  It still seems kinda crazy, but I'm in a seperate room by myself for right now! ^.^  It's kinda nice!  I can actually focus to write this blog post!  :)  Since we had a few extra people, dinner time seemed crazier than usual too.  It really wasn't bad though!  It reminded me that it's good to serve others around you, your guests AND your family! :)  After dinner, I did the dishes and man did that burn my fingers!  I was surprised I made it through without being a baby about it, haha.  I am slightly on the tired side and I guess that could explain why I'm feeling a little grouchy!! O.o  I had to get off of facebook because I was feeling a little grouchy and mean and I was afraid of being rude or taking something that someone said the wrong way!  We all can get like that though, right?  It's probably a good thing I got off of there!! Blogging is a little more relaxing anyways!  I can still be grouchy and complain a little, or a lot, and even though I will probably share this to facebook, I feel like I can express myself more!!  So it all works out great! :)

Well have a great night my blog readers!! Hope you have a fantabulous weekend!! :)


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