Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ear problem

So on Friday my ear started to hurt. We kinda figured it was swimmer's ear because I was in the pool a lot & I was under water a lot & I was doing a lot of flips and hand stands! That will definitely put a lot of water in your ears! We tried peroxide & would occasionally get ear drops for swimmer's ear put in my ear! Nothing was working!! So on Saturday mama Nicci told me I needed to go to ER. (she kinda had to force me to go because I try to suck it up & see if it passes) I'm glad she made me go because it only got worse from there! So I went to the ER and the doctor said that I have infection in my ear, but it's not behind the ear drum. It's actually under my skin and has to be treated with oral antibiotic. The reason why my infection is like this is because I had like scratches in my ear, which can happen easily, even with a Q-tip! So the water got on my ear & bacteria built up and then BAM!! We have ourselves an infection!! Yippee!!! The infection is causing swelling with the ear canal and my ear canal is actually swollen shut!! The pain is also shooting down my jaw so it makes it hard to eat, talk, & laugh! If you know me, you know that I love food, I love to talk, & I love to laugh!! It's not fun!!

On Saturday night I fell asleep & was sleeping for a couple hours & then someone wrote on my face, which woke me up, & since it's hard to get comfortable & I was in a lot of pain, I was up all night until about 4!! (btw, this person didn't know at the time how bad this was & how hard it was to get comfy & get rest!!) ;) Since that night was a rough night (because there were also a lot of tears!) I didn't go to church on Sunday, which also meant that I couldn't go to fun city, but that would have been pointless anyways since I'm not suppose to swim right now!!

Sunday night was a little better than the night before. I was able to get more sleep & then I didn't wake up until 5 or 6ish and then I took a nice hot shower & layer in my bed & fell asleep on accident & got a few more hours of sleep. I had NyQuil that night & it helped some! Monday was actually an okay day so I went to work that night & I was doing great until towards the end! I actually took orders & I'm half deaf! Hahaha. I was in pain by the end of the night, but I sucked it up & finished out the night & took something when I got home! I actually got sleep that night too. I'm back to hurting though & a friend brought over some ear drops that help with pain & swelling! The only problem we're having is getting it to go down my canal. I have been taking ibuprofen & antibiotic and it seems like nothing is working & it's not getting better! I go back to doctor tomorrow(technically today). Well I'm going to bed because I took Ny-Quil and i'm about to pass out!! Good night!!!

UPDATE: I went to the doctor and now I have infection on my ear drum as well A's my canal. He prescribed me ear drops, but we have a really hard time to get them to go down my ear canal. My ear canal is still really swollen obviously since we can't get the drops in!! Doctor says it should be better in 4-5 days!!! I don't see how they'll get better if we can't even get ear drops to the ear drum!! *facepalm* It's rather frustrating especially when your doctor says they should easily go down, but they don't! No matter how many times we pull on my ear lobe, it does not want to go down!!! Grrr!!! Prayers are still greatly appreciated though!! Thank you everyone who has been praying for me & thanks in advance for those who are going to & will continue to do so!!


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