Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The post that I wasn't going to post, but did anyways!

I have been debating on whether or not I should post what I'm about to!  I was just going to rant about some things, but as I was praying God reminded me of a few things also!!  I will probably seem bipolar in this blog post, so I apologize ahead of time!  This isn't meant to anyone in particular, but I feel like this is something we can sometimes struggle with.  I don't think it hurts to be reminded of some things though!  I don't claim to know everything and you might look down on me because I'm not very educated on a lot of things and I'm young, but I'm not that dumb and I have learned a few things in life and in my walk with God.  I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to say because it's all over the place in my brain, but I hope it comes out in a respectful and loving way.  Here we go!!

I know that we are very hungry for God and we wnat to see a movement of Him in our church, schools, community, state, and countries!  I just feel like sometimes we have a hard enough time just living in unity with our brothers and sisters and we all just kinda get annoyed with one another!  Why do we do this?  I don't know if the devil is using some of us because he does like to use those who are closest to you to attack.  I hate that he works like that, but let's face it, he does and we need to acknowledge that and rebuke it!!  Feelings can be hurt and you don't even know that's what you're doing!!  Some may think that person is being over dramatic about things, but in reality, it could also be that you don't take feelings in consideration and that is where the devil can use that!!  I honestly know that to be true in my own life!!  A while back I had said some harsh things to a brother in Christ, just thinking that I was just trying to help him and being honest with him, but none of that was really said in love.  I thought it was, and some of it might have been, but I said too much than what it was my business to say, and feelings were hurt!!  I don't know about you, but when I hurt another brother and sister in Christ, I feel SO miserable!!  It was four days until the next time I got to see this person, and it felt like the longest four days ever!!  I was just ready to apologize face to face.  A text message, a message on facebook, or having someone else tell this person how sorry I was, just wasn't gonna cut it!!  I found myself in tears everyday because I felt like I failed at being a sister to my brother!!  When I did get the chance to talk to him, I apologized and he said that everything was good now.  I probably looked so pathetic because I could not stop crying!  I might have been a little too hard on myself, but we should feel bad for the way we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ when we treat them badly.

Sometimes when we hurt our brothers and/or sisters, it can be because we act so self righteous!!  Sometimes we can get this holier-than-thou attitude, but remember that your sins put Jesus on that cross too!!  Sometimes we get this attitude because we think we're all knowing so therefore since you think you know more than someone else, you make them feel like an idiot and then sometimes you even start to point out all of their faults!!  I just want to remind us all that Matthew 7:5 says: "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."  If you make your own brother and/or sister feel like this, then how in the world do you expect yourself to bring anyone to Christ.  Some might also act all self righteous because they have been a christian longer or how about this one: they go to church every single Sunday or every time the doors are open!!  I understand how important it is to go to church and I know how great of a feeling it is to just be in a room full of other believers that you call your brothers and sisters, and just the feeling of being around your 'family'.  It's truly a great feeling, but just because you go to church every Sunday and someone else has missed, doesn't mean you have the right to pass judgement on them or think they're back sliding!  Instead of making assumptions about someone and their walk with God, how about you send them a message, give them a call, or stop by their house to check on them and see how they're doing.  Just talk with them, love on them, and even pray for them if you need to.  And don't always assume that just because someone isn't at church, it means that their relationship with God is dying out and they're not being used by God.  Ya never know what God can be doing! While you're making assumptions and judging them, they are probably out there working for God and God is using them at that moment and God is doing great and mighty things!!  Have you ever thought of that?  It puts things into perspective doesn't it?  I can honestly say that I'm guilty of having a self-righteous attitude.  We all do it at some point in our life! Some do it often and more than others and we all do it, but we really need to be careful with what we think, say, and do.  When I had this self-righteous attitude, it was harder for God to use me and work through me!  When I humbled myself before Him and realized that I'm not God and that God knows best, is when He has been able to work in and through me the most & It also helps to reflect Him more when you do that!!!!

Let us want to LIVE LIKE THAT!!!
I think I have a few more things that I would like to rant about, but I don't think they'll be as long as the one above, haha. First I want to start with James 2:14-17 and that says:
14 What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?
Can such faith save him?
15 Suppose a brother or sister is without  clothes and daily food.
16 If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?
17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
I must say that living where I am now, has really helped me to have a servant's heart.  It has taught me a lot.  The above scripture is very true!  Us as christians still need our brothers and sisters to come along beside us and help us sometimes.  When God brings a person or a family to you and they're struggling, you can't just say "God will supply" and then send them on their way.  Maybe God brought them to you so you can help them with whatever you're capable of helping and blessing them with.  When you allow God to use you and you bless someone else, God will bless you back in return!  And when you offer what you have, or sometimes don't have, God supplies!!!  This is still a struggle for me, personally, but I am getting better at trusting and believing that God will take care of all of His children!!
I know that this blog is a little all over the place and I was very unsure on whether or not to post this because I didn't want to seem all knowing and self-righteous, especially since that's what I was talking about a bit.  haha.  I really want to see you, as my brother and/or sister, continue to grow in Christ Jesus!
Let Jesus be more about a relationship and not about a religion.  Don't let your focus be on items or stuff that you want God to do in your life, but let your focus be on God, himself, who will allow those things to happen.
I want to leave you with one more thing!!
"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!"
-Psalm 133:1
I love you all more than you know!!!
Your sister in Christ,

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