Friday, August 3, 2012

LaLa Loopsy Picnic

So this past Sunday, Nicci and the rest of the family had to go to a visitation.  Since Gracie is only 5, we didn't really want her to go, so she stayed home with me and we had a picnic on the living room floor!!! :D  It was fun, relaxing, nice, and quality time with my little sister!! :)  I took pictures, of course because there would be no way that I could explain everything to you!! :)  I love these little bonding moments that Gracie and I have.  I don't think anyone else would have a LaLa Loopsy parties and picnics with her!! hahaha.  I would have blogged about this sooner, but I have been busy editing my friend's senior pictures!! :D

We call all of our parties LaLa Loopsy parties even if all of our stuffed animals and dolls aren't LaLa Loopsies! haha.  We couldn't find all of them anyways!!
Let me introduce you to our friends!! :)

LtoR: 3 LaLa Loopsies(I don't know their know their names), A carebear, Strawberry Shortcake(she's hiding), Sharebear, Milly the Mermaid, and My Scentsy Buddy!!

I have a story about Milly the Mermaid before I continue with more pictures!! :)

Milly the Mermaid was originally her imaginary friend, but she got this mermaid from the fair so her name was Milly the Mermaid too!! ;)
She accidentally fell on her, (or maybe she jumped on her from all the sugar she had?) and so Milly popped and so then we had a lot of tears because her friend flooded!! (that's what Gracie says instead of deflated).
We tried to tape the hole on Milly to try to keep her aired up a little so we could get Gracie to stop crying!

So sunday morning she was still very low on air and we told Gracie to put her in the closest so our Jake wouldn't get her!!  She looked at us like we were stupid and told us that she has to take Milly to church because she is her friend and she would get points if she brought a friend!!  It was so funny that we let her take Milly to church! But who was the one who got stuck riding with Milly in the back seat?? Me!!  It was fun!!  She really wasn't a bother though!! XD
Anyways, that's the story of Milly the Mermaid and she's lacking air in the above picture since she was "flooded" haha.

This was Gracie's baby!! She's resting because she's sick with the flu!! :P

This was my baby!! haha.  Her name is Isabelle Rose!!
Btw, Ever since we had this picnic and this became my baby, I wake up to this doll like every morning becasue Gracie find it necessary to put her in my bed next to me since she's my baby!! hahahaha.

Oh and we had music, because it's not a party unless you have music!! :P
We listened to Worship Songs for Kids and we sang very loud and danced like crazy people!!! :)

Gracie is covering up her kid because she was cold, while she is patiently waiting for her snacks for the picnic!! :)

Jake is definitely use to this kind of stuff!!

Our snacks!!! :)



Aww!! :)

Big Cheezin Grins!! :P

We were dancing to Father Abraham!! :D

Well that's all from our party!! :)  Hope you enjoyed seeing pictures!!  We had fun!! :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Okay, so I have a prayer request and it's for my ear again!!  I have another ear infection, but this time it's in my right ear and not my left!!  I'm really getting tired of ear infections!!  It's also not fun walking around with one side of your face swollen!! -.-

Thank you all for your prayers in advance!!  We just want this to go away and I'm tired of dealing with this!! The doctor is just having me continue the ear drops from last time, but if it doesn't get better, I'm going back to the Dr., or the ER!!  This stuff is not fun!!

So I finished editing Senior Pictures of a friend of mine!!  I'll post a little sneak peak and then I'll post the other pictures on my photography blog at a later date!!! :)  Here it is:


Well I hope you all have a great rest of the week!!! :) Be blessed!! :)

~Lizard =)

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