Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you have a great day & you're blessed! Mom made us all our favorites! We have noodle salad, spinach dip, and pickle rolls! We're just chilling in our Pajamas and snacking on the things mom made for us! We're having a ham instead of turkey, but we're waiting until later to start it cuz we're going to wait until daddy gets home to eat since we have plenty of stuff to hold us over until then!

We watched the Macy parade and I played barbies with Gracie like all day! (I'm such a great sister! ;D)

This morning I woke up crabby! Nicci drew hearts and smiley faces on us while we were sleeping, but I woke up to it because I didn't sleep well last night! I went to bed with a somewhat sore and scratchy throat, but sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up to my throat hurting a lot! I looked in the mirror and I have a swollen tonsil and it hurt to swallow & I was just crabby! I took some liquid DayQuil and it numbed my throat for a while! I have a stuffy/runny nose & it's not fun, BUT I am still very thankful for this day, for my life, for my family and friends, and everything God has blessed me with!

While I'm on the subject of thanksgiving and being thankful, I'll just name a few things I'm thankful for! This could turn into a long list! Who knows! ;)

I'm very thankful for God creating me in His image and having a plan for my life!

I'm thankful for family who accept me for me and encourage me to do what my little heart desires!

I'm thankful for the plan God has for my life! <3

I'm thankful for the friendships that God has allowed to happen!! Some friends are considered my family and I value those friendships so much!

I'm thankful for my school, the students, and the faculty & staff (even one who is now retired!) ;) One of my favorite things about our teachers, is not only do they teach what is required of them, but they teach us life lesson's and they actually care about the students! Granted, I know that this is a small school, but there are other small schools that don't have as great of teachers who care about the students as much as our does! I love being able to talk about God so freely! That's my favorite thing when I get to write papers because I can talk about my relationship with God and where I'm at in my walk with Christ! And i love getting feedback from them! I just know that no matter what I will be forever thankful to be apart of Southeastern!

These are just a few things that I'm thankful for, but to sum it all up, I'm just very thankful for what God has done in my life, the things He has graciously carried me through, the people He has put in my life for many reasons, the things He has just blessed me with, and I'm thankful for where God is taking me and for the things He has planned and prepared for my future! (even if I am impatient at times!) :)

No matter what comes my way, I will always give thanks to the One who has given me life! I will always love Him! and my desire is to just seek Him, no matter the circumstances or the challenges that I face!!

Give thanks to the Lord , for he is good; his love endures forever. (1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV)

I am beyond thankful for His unfailing love and His never ending Grace! <3


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