Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Catching Up kind of Blog! (Mainly pictures!)

I haven't blogged in a really long time!  I think my last blog post was thanksgiving??  That's crazy!  We're already 45 days into the new year, and I haven't said Happy New Year!! I've been a little too busy to actually sit down and organize my posts and actually post SOMETHING, so I'm just going to let this be a picture kind of post that could be from whenever!

My sweet little sister! :) This was on our way to get our Christmas tree! :)

Our Christmas tree! :)

Gracie and I at her Christmas concert! I really love this picture! :)

Preston and I (:

I was laughing at something! This is his good smile though!

Hahaha, there were so many funny things happening! lol.

I adore this picture! They adore each other! :)

Mama Nicci and Annie Elaine! :)

Mom and I(:

Our cute little family picture that we don't get many of!

Mom & Dad! <3

Preston's Christmas Tree cookie.  That star was a little too big! lol.

Awww :)

Our Christmas cookies!

Preston made this table at school in one of his classes and he decided to give it to me! :) It definitely comes in handy! :)


Preston, Kim, and I
I adore his mom, just sayin'! :)

Love it!!! :)

They're so cute!

Our 2013 Homecoming Court!

Love this one too! :)

And there's his picture with Gracie! =)

And of course, I love this one too!

School spirit!! :)

I'll blog more at a later date, but I thought I would at least leave you with this much! :)
I would really like to get back into blogging a little more regularly than what I've had time to do!
I'm usually that kind of person that never really has 'plans', but I always end up busy!  Hopefully I'll get to blog more soon!  I'm actually going to have *some* things to blog about it the next couple of months!
Next month, I'll have a wedding to blog about! ;) Which I'm extremely excited for.  We technically have about 19 days left. Yippee!! :)
In April, I'll have prom to blog about!  But I'll only be blogging about one, sadly! :(
Preston's prom is on the same day as mine, which is a bummer!  But he has decided to just go to my prom anyways!
In may, I'll have a graduation post to do! :(  :)
And yes, I meant to put a frowny and smiley face!  I'm kind of excited to graduate, but I'm not necessarily one who enjoys change!  Almost everyone goes through it though, so it's not going to be the end of the world! lol.  I'll probably have a few different posts to do for graduation.  I won't be able to go to Preston's graduation, and he can't go to mine, because once again, they're on the same day!! That really frustrates me!  I think I might be having a party with Brittany still, but I'm not sure now.  I might also have a smaller one just at home with some family and have Preston and his family over for that one!  And then I'll have his party to go to!! :)  Even though I'm annoyed and frustrated that it seems as if nothing works out the way we want it to, I'm very blessed and thankful that we still some options!  We at least get to go to prom and we'll at least get to go to each other's party!  So I guess I can't really complain too much!  I'm also very thankful for the family that I have!!  I wouldn't be able to do these things without them in the first place!  I'm blessed!! <3

I'll also be able to, hopefully, get out and take more pictures!  I miss that!!  I love when the weather is nice so I can take outdoor pictures!   I also have to finish working on my Alphabet Photography! :)

Well, I guess I should go to bed since I have school tomorrow and I only had about 4 hours of sleep last night!  I really enjoyed writing this little ending of this post!  I miss blogging!  I'm not much of a 'writer', but I really enjoy 'writing'.  Even if I'm just rambling on about whatever I possibly can think of! lol.  Some of my best papers happen when I just ramble!  I was actually told the other day my Contemporary Literature teacher that I was a great writer!  I thought that was interesting! lol.  Well Good Night by readers who never have anything to read here anymore! lol.  I'm going to try to come back soon and finish this post!  AND to blog about a bunch of other fun blog type blogs!  That makes no sense, but oh well! XD

I pray you all have a blessed week,

Elizabeth Marie! =)

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