Saturday, November 3, 2012

Momentum 2012

So I just wanted to take a few minutes to talk about Momentum 2012. Last weekend our youth group loaded up in the church van and went on our way to Springfield, IL where we joined about 2,000 other students who was excited to worship God and allow Him to move in and through their lives and have a little fun while they were at it. Momentum is always such a wonderful time and I love being able to make new memories every year. This is sadly by last year, (well maybe!) Let's just say that it will be my last time going as a youth member! :)

I really enjoyed Momentum this year. It will be one that I will never forget. We had great speakers, wonderful worship, and we had a really good band there this year. I have never heard of them until they announced who would be there for momentum. I never had the chance to listen to their music before I went to Momentum, so when I heard them at first, I wasn't sure if I would like them and part of that was probably because I didn't know the songs and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to understand what they were saying, but thankfully, they put words up and you could actually understand them! :)

Here is one of my all time favorites:

I love this song!

And I'll dance with You 'till my knees go weak
And I'll sing 'till I can't sing anymore
And I'll lift my hands 'till they fall asleep
Just to show You, Lord, You're the one I adore

At momentum, God just continued to deal with me on some things with my father. It's tough, but I know that God is in control.

There was another thing that happened and I don't think I have fully told anyone this. Actually, I'm not sure if I have even told anyone at all.

That weekend, I felt the calling of youth ministry on my life stronger than ever before. I have always thought that I would do something with children because I love them to pieces! When I first got saved and started attending Calvary, I wouldn't even go to youth group because I could not stand to be around teenagers and they annoyed me so much. The only reason why I went because of Mama Nicci. She actually told me that I was going to go to youth and she looked like a very serious person that you didn't want to mess with, so I decided that I would give it a shot. I ended up loving it and the more I went and got to know Annie, the more I allowed myself to be a teenager. Before then, I pretty much was forced to grow up and I never really had the chance to be a 'kid'. So looking back at then and now and what God has in store for my life, just blows me away.

About three or four weeks ago, I decided that I was going to be a paraprofessional. I had originally thought about early childhood, but then again I wanted to kinda work with special ed, but I didn't want to actually be a teacher, so a paraprofessional sounded like a great idea. I didn't think it could get any better than that! I knew for sure that that was what I was going to do and I couldn't see myself choosing anything other than that.

I have had people tell me that they just sense something about me and how I have such an awesome calling on my life. And there were times when someone would tell me that I need to go into youth ministry.
I never really knew how to respond to those things because I was just praying and asking God that whatever it could possibly be, that He just put that on my heart. When people would tell me that I needed to go into youth ministry, I would sometimes think things like "Not me! That's what the awesome people are for!" or I would think something like "Wouldn't God rather use someone else for that area then me? There are better people out there that could do that instead! I'm sure I'll have a smaller calling on my life! I'm not equipped for that. I get nervous in front of people and I'm not even a good speaker. I have terrible grammar and half of the things I say don't make sense and shoot, sometimes I can't even think of words." Clearly, these were all excuses, and basically what it comes down to, is that I was doubting God and His ability of what He can do through me as long as I am willing.

I have actually been offered a chance to intern for a set of youth pastors and another youth pastor has mentioned it out of random one time that maybe one of these times I could come intern with them too. I honestly didn't know what to think. I had no idea why God would choose me out of all people for this, but He did create me with a purpose and for a purpose and He has known what He was and is doing for a long time now! ;) I was reminded that God doesn't call the equipped, but He equips the called. It was so refreshing to be reminded of that! It doesn't really matter what I see myself capable of doing, but what God has planned for my life! That weekend I just felt an overwhelming sense of peace that I didn't even have a clue that I needed. It was totally amazing though!

To be honest, the next few days after it sunk in more, I wanted to panic because I wasn't sure how I should go about things with college and all of that! I prayed about that though and I trust things will fall into place at the perfect time! I can at least say that I have a plan even if I do end up making adjustments here and there! ;)

I plan on still going to college to be a paraprofessional, but I might also go to a christian college and get some of that out of the way! I'm just taking everyday one step at a time and I'm just trusting God! I just thought I would share this with my readers, especially those who are my faithful readers! :)


Sorry that my post is kind of all over the place! I wasn't exactly sure how to say it and I was very unsure if I even wanted to announce this on my blog or not, but I decided to do so and voila! Here it is!

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth - Thanks for sharing your thoughts and story from Momentum!! We love to hear what God has done in you and is continuing to do in you!! Press into Him and He will prepare each and every step for you! Keep up your good work, girl! God has some awesome things in store for you :)

    Tori from Illinois Student Ministries
