Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I am strongly feeling the need to blog!  About what you may ask?  Yeah, I don't have that figured out yet!!  I can start by saying that the Dairy Barn opened back up on monday and I'm very excited about that!  I got to train one of the new girls last night and then I helped train two more tonight!  I was actually feeling very stressed out tonight!  That's actually uncommon for me because it can just be Annie and I working and we'll get busy and I don't feel stressed at all!  Tonight, I was stressed though!  A lot of that could also be because  I have been so tired!!  We got really busy tonight, which was awesome!!  My feet are killing me though!!  It's probably about time that I find my tennis shoes! :/  Is this time change still affecting anyone?  I've been soooooooooooooo tired!!  Last night, I stayed up until 11 to keep mom company!  That may not seem like it's very late, but if you know me, then you know that that's late for a school night! :/  Today we wemt to John Wood for the compass test and I was very proud of myself!  The last time I took that test, was just last year!  Would you like to know what my lowest score was?  The grammar section!  Guess what my highest score is this time?  The grammar section!!!!!!!  I know that my grammar is still REALLY bad, but I was so proud of myself!!  I guess having friends who are grammar nazis really does pay off! ;)


Have you ever felt like time was going by so fast and you don't know where it's going, and you just want things to slow down, so you just feel the need to cry?  That's how I feel right now!  I just want to spend a day to just cry and let it all out and then finally face where I'm at in life now!  I know that I can't do that, but I occasionally have those days where those moments right before bed, I think about my life and how far I have come!  A lot of things that have been on my mind lately, is of course, when I graduate!  I have quite a bit of change that'll be happening for me around the same time!  I'm going to have a lot of adjusting to do, and I know that it won't be easy!  I also know that I have a big God who is in control of things and He'll be there through all of the change!  I also have a great family who is here for me as well and they're very supportive and I know that they'll be here for me!  I don't know what I would do without them!  I am VERY blessed that I have them!  It all hit me the other day that my last prom will be in a little over a month!  Speaking of prom, last monday Preston has a dozen of pink roses sent to my school asking me to prom!  He basically asked me to my own prom, but that's only because I'm not able to go to his because they're on the same day!  I thought it was very sweet and thoughful of him!  I'm not sure if I already mentioned that, but oh well! :)  Then I graduate in about 2 months!  Preston is planning on going into the military and so that will be a huge adjustment as well!  That's not my favorite thing to talk about though!  I'm very proud of him, but I'm not ready to cross that bridge until it gets here!  Thankfully, I'll be living at home and only going to Carl Sandburg.  So I'm trying to get to the place where I don't focus on all of the change that's going to happen, but I also need to focus more on some of the great things in my life that will remain the same!  I've just been a little on the emotional side and sometimes it feels good being able to release a few tears!  Sometimes it just makes me feel better!  It's so much better than holding it all!!  I've been thinking of this quote that is just so profound and I'm reminded of it often!

"Take the first step in faith.  You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
~Martin Luther King Jr.

This quote actually helps me often!  It reminds me that God is in control and all I need to do is step out in faith!  I just need to put my faith in God and not in people.  It's probably one of my all time favorite quotes!!


I think I should head to bed!!  I'm very tired and I'm not going to want to wake up in the morning!  Good night my dear readers!!  I know that this is probably not a favorite blog post to read because my emotions are a little all over the place! *sigh*  It happens, I guess!  I pray you all have a blessed week!!

-elizabeth <3

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