Sunday, April 21, 2013

:: Changed?

Wow.....I don't know where to start with this post....I haven't posted in a long time and I've been wanting to post about something, but I didn't want a ranting post and I didn't want to be emotional!  But this post may be a different kind of emotional!  But I won't be ranting about anything! :)

I guess I'll start off with a few scripture!  I was reading my bible last night and I came across a verse that I really liked and so I found a few more that could go along with it and I decided that I would blog about it!

I just so happened to listen to the song Changed by Rascal Flatts last night!  I really love that song!  I'll post a youtube video at the end of this post! :)

"I am the same as you in God's sight; I too am a piece of clay."
~Job 33:6

I really fell in love with this verse!  This reminds me that I am not perfect what-so-ever!!  Sometimes we feel judged or looked down on by people, or we don't think we're good enough because we're not like so and so!  Well that's a bunch of bologna!  And I have been guilty of that myself!  But we don't have to worry about what others think!  Let me rephrase that!  We don't have to act a certain way around certain people for you to feel accepted or liked!  You don't have to think you're not "good enough" for someone else, just because you're not perfect and they look as if they have their life all put together!  Well guess what?  They're not perfect either!  It really bugs me when people judge other people for their past mistakes.  Yes, in some situations, you should be cautious, but that doesn't mean that you should judge them and let their past define who they are, when that's who they're not!!  Sometimes, I want to look at that person, and say "Well, how about we take a look at what your past was like!"  That would be wrong, but seriously??  People quickly forget where they came from, the moment they have the chance to point a finger at someone else!!  There is no sin greater than another, and we are all still a work in progress!

You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like clay!  Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, "You did not make me"?  Can the pot say to the potter, "You know nothing"?
~Isaiah 29:16

"Yet you, Lord, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."
~Isaiah 64:8

I always find in my own life, that God is continuously molding me and shaping me into the person that He has created me to be!  Sometimes we question what God is trying to do in our life, because we think we know what's best!  We just need to surrender ourselves to the Lord, and let Him work in and through our lives!  Sometimes we have to let God do the molding and shaping in our own lives and also in the lives of others!  Sometimes it's not easy, and sometimes it's not fun!  And sometimes we even hurt because sometimes it involves us getting out of our comfort zone.  It's all worth it in the end, but sometimes, it seems tough!  I'll be honest with you!  There are times when I'm just like "God, do what you have to do!"  and then he begins to do what He does, and He's stretching me here and there and sometimes, I wonder if any of this is going to be worth it!  But let me tell you what, God has never failed me and He has always had a plan for something!  It may not always be revealed at that moment, but it's later revealed with time!

So why do we have such a hard time trusting God when He wants to stretch us to a different area or a different place!?  Why do we doubt the plan that He has for our life?  Why am I so nervous about graduating high school and moving on?  Why am I afraid to step out in faith?  I have no idea!!  Another thing is, why do we let sin from the past and the present, keep us from giving God our all.  We already know that He'll forgive us!  We just need to ask Him and we need to be sincere in our hearts and we also need to turn from that sin!  But there are times when we do that, but there's still something holding us back!  Most of the time, I have found that it is because we haven't tried to forgive ourselves!  Sometimes that thought never even crosses our mind!  We have to forgive ourselves though at times!  We can't just keep going around thinking that we are worth very little just because of all of the garbage we have allowed in our life!  Just because you have made some mistakes in your life, doesn't mean that you're a nobody!  It doesn't mean that you don't deserve someone who actually cares for you and loves you!  You are worth so much!  You were bought with a price and you mean so much to your Creator!!  I think learning how to forgive yourself and also loving yourself is very important!!  You may see yourself as the person you WERE, but God sees you as the person He has created you to be!  I think God wants us to see ourselves AND other people like that as well!!  We have to look at people through God's eyes, because it's so different than the way we're seen through worldly eyes!

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow..."

I hope you enjoyed this video and song!  I love it!!

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P.S. I'm sorry if  this post jumps around!  I haven't blogged in quite some time, so it's going to take some getting used to again!  It all makes sense in my head!!  I just sometimes have a problem connecting it all in words, that connect for those who read my blog! :)  I hope that made sense! ;)

I pray you all have a blessed week!!  Love you all!

-elizabeth! <3

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