Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I wrote this April 2013.....

Do you remember how it took me like a month to decide if I wanted to date you? Do you remember why? It was because I was deciding if you were the one I could see myself spending the rest of my life with. When I told you that I felt 100% ready, it was bc I felt a peace and I felt so sure that this was God's plan! I also remember that first time we were kinda arguing and I thought you were ignoring me but you were working on school stuff. Anyways, I was talking to your mom on the phone and she was telling me how I was everything to you and how she could tell that you just loved me! She also told me that she felt like God had put it on her heart that one day I would become her daughter-in-law!! Remember how we were just able to open up to each other about our past? I thought that was amazing! And we looked past our imperfections and saw the beautiful person that we've become! There was so much that I never got to finish telling you, but I knew that you would be someone I could trust my life with! Remember the way you used to hold me in your arms? Or the way you would just touch my face and just look at me like you admired me and then you would kiss me so sweetly!? Remember the way we would just look into each other's eyes? I could see it in your eyes that you loved me! Even the day we broke up, I still could tell by the way you just looked at me! I always felt so special! I always felt like your girl and I always felt like a princess! I felt like you admired me and treasured me so much like I was something precious!.....bc I am someone who is precious!! You made me the happiest girl alive! I felt so happy and so blessed to have you apart of my life! Even when people told me that I should be careful, I never believed a word they said because that wasn't you were a new Preston and I loved the person you became! :) I was willing to support you 100% in whatever you decided to do with your life especially when you were wanting to go to the marines! Sure, that would have been hard, but I would have been your #1 supporter because I knew that you would support me in whatever I wanted to do! Remember homecoming?? I loved dancing with you and I loved that feeling that it was like no one else was around except you and I and we just danced and enjoyed the moment together! Especially when we danced to our song! That was such an amazing moment and feeling! I didn't even want to go to that dance bc it's always so boring, but you made that night special and memorable! That was one of the best nights of my life! Remember our 3 hour phone calls!? Hahahaha. Ok, those may have been a little unnecessary, but they were always great too! :) It was a time that we could just talk and just enjoy the moment and not to mention how we were able to really open up to one another that way!
I miss everything about us and I hope that one day soon, we can start making more memories and continue feeling the way about each other like we used to! I miss you, I miss me when I'm with you, I just miss us...... I realized that I shouldn't want to feel like giving up on us! I haven't yet, so why start now! I saw something on pinterest and it said something about not losing patience with someone when God was always patient with me! It really hit home and I felt like that was the right thing to do! I don't care what others are thinking or saying, I don't want to give up on us! Some of the greatest things in life aren't easy, but that doesn't mean I should just quit! I really hope we can Work through things and talk about all of this! Just give me that chance, please?

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