Monday, November 11, 2013

Just Life!

Life has been so busy and crazy that I don't even know where I left off with my last blog!! I've attempted to blog a few times, but I've never had time to finish them and then things have changed so much since then that I can't even post them!! lol.  So, if you're reading this one, I've actually accomplished something in the blogging world!! hahaha.

Last May, I graduated from high school and I'm currently going to college.  I decided to only go to a two year because I couldn't decided what I wanted to do with my life!!  I figured I would just get some generals out of the way.  Well, this semester, I did just that!! I took some general classes and then I finally decided what I wanted to be when I grew up!!  I have decided that I'm going to go into Office Management!!  I could see myself sitting in an office!  I feel like I would get bored with a lot of other things!!  That's just not me....hahaha. I have a job at County Market, and I've been working there since May!! I love it so much!! It has been one of the best jobs ever!!! I have such a wonderful work environment!  I love everyone that I work with, and I have such great co-workers!! I love like everyone from all of the other departments as well. It's like we're just one big family!!! :)  I really do have one family member that I work with!! I get to work with my sister again!! :)  Most people would probably think that it just wouldn't work out for us, but we get along pretty darn great!!! I usually don't get to work with her often though!! I usually open, or work in the early morning and she usually just works after school!!

I can't really say that I like being in Carthage all the time...I feel like I might as well move there!! Between work and school, I feel like I'm hardly ever home!! I don't like that!! And when someone is home, there is usually someone else working!  It is very unusual for all of us to have the same day off!! I guess that's just what we call life!!  Annie and I both really love our jobs though.  The cashiers get an award every month if they fit into the category of the award.  I have not gotten the friendliest cashier award yet, but I joke around and say it's because I work too many 6ams!  You might laugh, but there is kind of some truth to that.....I'm not much of a morning person, but when I wake up at 4am about 3 times a week and then I have to wake up at 6am two days a week, I've noticed that I am in a much better mood when I wake up at 6am!  4am; Not so much!!!

A lot of things have happened in my life this year!! Back in August, I got myself a car!! It's so cute and little and just so perfect!! It's called the mouse!! I also have a new baby brother!! :) :) His name is Max!!! He is so stinking handsome and precious!! I love him so much! He is my biological father's son.  He's about a month old now, and he looks so much like me!! When I was a baby, I probably would have looked like a boy if I wasn't dressed in girl clothes!! He has a head full of dark hair, and he has my wittle nose and he even has my chin and lips!! I also think he has my ears, but I can't ever tell since I only see pictures of him.  He could totally pass as my child!! I don't know if I'll ever meet him!! I still don't have the greatest relationship with my biological father.  I became friends with his girlfriend on facebook so I can keep updated with little Max! Well yesterday, my father contacted me through facebook and I actually had the courage to respond back to him.  It was very nice that he actually talked to me and told me he was proud of me instead of saying "where do you live?" or "what's your phone number?"  I'm honestly not ready for any of that yet and I think just talking here and there is a nice start!!

I'm very thankful and blessed that I'm apart of the Arthur family!!! I know that they'll always be there for me whenever I need them!! I think I'm closer to them, than my biological parents!! Actually, I know I am!! They have been one of the best things that have happened in my life!! I don't think I would be this far and be the beautiful young lady that I am, if it weren't for them!

Although a lot of good things have been happening in my life, doesn't mean I haven't went through some struggles.  Just as everyone else, I have some not so great days!!  I've spent a lot of time getting over a previous relationship!! Although I'm sad that our friendship was ruined and we no longer even talk to each other, I think it's finally safe to say that I am over all of that!! I've learned to move on and accept things just the way they are, even though that's not always easy!! I've also had a few "rough" moments at school.  I just feel very overwhelmed a lot and I stress out over things way too much!!! If I didn't freak out so much I would probably have way less stress than I do!!  I think I'll be very glad when I'm done with school and I can just finally enter into the work force!! I will be so glad when I can just focus on work instead of work and school! I also am going through some things with my biological mother right now...I guess I can't say we're going through much if we're not even speaking to each other!  That's a long story, but not worth me getting worked up about again!

I'm not feeling very well today!! I got sick at work, but I decided to finish out the last couple of hours and finish my shift, and then I just went home instead of going to class. I only missed out on one class, so that's better than missing out on my other three!!  I'm hoping that this is a today only sickness and nothing serious like the flu....I might cry!! I don't have time to get sick!! It's getting closer to the holiday and closer to the end of the semester and I can't afford to get sick! :/

I'm going to attempt to watch a movie later without falling asleep.  In my ethics class we are doing a book/film review and I chose One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.  I watched it last year in my psychology and sociology class, so my high school teacher is letting me borrow it so I can watch it again and refresh my memory!!  Well, I think I'm going to end this post now!!

Since it is Veterans Day, I would just like to take the moment to say thank you for those who have served and those who are serving our country!!  I also want to say to count your blessings and hold them close!! Be thankful for what you have and be thankful when your storm is only a few drops of rain and a little wind!! My heart has been hurting for those who have been having complications with pregnancies and losing their child!!! My heart is just breaking and there have been so many lately and it's really showing me to be thankful for the storm I am going through, because I can't fathom the pain these ladies and families are feeling!!

Before I leave, I'm going to leave you with a few pictures!! ;)

 Here's my baby brother!!! :) He is so cute!! :) Sissy's little monkey!!

 My beautiful sister and mother!!!
I love this picture of us!! :)

 Me on graduation day!! :)

 My beautiful self!!! :) I am so proud of myself and I see so much beauty within me!

 I just feel so beautiful and I'm just so happy with myself!!

 Maxwell Harris Shaffer!!! This was from when he was born and still in the hospital!!

 Spent my 18th birthday at the zoo!!! :)

 My beautiful sister and I at the zoo!!

 I highlighted Annie's hair!! That was interesting!! It felt like it took hours to do, but I was pretty proud of the outcome!!!

btw, I miss our tans.....

 Annie and I!! (:  We went on a double date to taco bell!!! :)

 My Gracie Goo and I with our despicable me shirts!! Annie has a matching shirt to mine!

 Gracie and I!!! (:

This was from vacation this summer!!! <3 Love this picture!! :)

well that is all for now!!



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